Unity Probuilder is pretty dope!

With the last blog post mentioning that I will present you a preview the models I made using Probuilder (new Unity add-on), here it is.

Wander Level-design

Made using Probuilder and Progrids
Due to the fact that the art-style we have decided on is rather low poly and does not necessarily require many round shapes, Probuilder has deemed itself very effective. Extruding was most used to make this room. Shapes can be edited by its vertexes, edges and faces, or sized as a whole object when needed, which is technically the same tool provided by most 3D modelling software, although one thing that I am missing from said softwares is the ability to view the models in different wireframe modes, which would make it more effective when editing objects with insides (such as the beakers and test tubes I have made on the  cook top in the distance. 

Using the Probuilder tool with Progrids was a very neat trick i learnt from a Youtube video, where the person said it would helped a lot when scaling and aligning objects, because it snaps to the defined grid. However, an issue I encountered upon using the grid was that extruding would not work the same unless changes in the settings of Progrids is tweaked (Edit > Preferences > Progrids > Change "Snap to all axis when scale" to "Snap to selected axis when scale"), edges of the extruding face that would snap to the grid, but because the extruded face is smaller than the set grid value, the face would be bigger instead of keeping uniformed. I guess that is all I have to mention for now. I will continue to model the furniture and decorations of the room and hopefully update you with  skills that I pick up along the way (which might be better than that of the same tool from a 3D modelling software).

Oh remember the greater benefit I mentioned in the previous post? Its the ability to flip normals live in Unity, allowing the insides to be viewable while the outer shell is see through, which helped to manage and place objects. I would imagine that it will help a lot later on as well when observing the player playing live from a spectator perspective with a fly cam (this is something Ben has mentioned that we will implement to up our playtesting-game)

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